
Week Thirteen: Final Abstract and Works Cited

My research has shown that deja vu is a result of the manifestations of the unconscious mind. This phenomenon can only be treated using the conscious analysis of unconscious motivation and thought.      My paper is finally finished!!! :) Here are my final draft abstract and works cited for my essay titled "Synchronizing the Unconscious Mind and False Recollection Events":   Abstract:      Over two-thirds of the world’s population has experienced déjà vu. Such a widespread phenomenon lacks a subjective definition, and classical science only explains the biological basis of déjà vu without addressing its variability in patients. Subjective science is important for explaining the déjà vu phenomenon because it helps scientists interpret the unconscious roots of false recollection events: suppressed memories and dreams. Carl Jung’s theory of synchronicity is applicable to the explanation of the déjà vu phenomenon and can be used to pose future treatment for...

Week Twelve: Extra Credit Review

           For my extra credit review, I chose to watch and analyze a short video about Carl Jung's standpoint on the importance of dreams. Overall, this video was extremely informative in terms of how the unconscious is revealed in dreams, and how dreams may impact conscious thought by unveiling the unconscious. Carl Jung's statements regarding how dreams impact the daily lives of humans helps me to further analyze how dream logging can serve as a potential treatment for deja vu patients with highly-frequent cases. Some important quotes I thought that stood out to me were: 1. "It may be you know, that what the unconscious has to say is so disagreeable that one prefers not to listen." This statement is made by Carl Jung while he explains that many people refuse to address the thoughts hidden in their unconscious, since many of them are not acceptable or perceived as "correct." This may be a reason why people with deja vu refuse to make the connections to th...

Week Twelve: Literature Review #5

By analyzing Carl Jung's literature,  the synchronicity theory can be understood directly from the source  in order to use its explanation in order to begin to describe the deja vu phenomenon.      My final literature review will focus on the cases provided by Carl Jung himself, which he used in order to describe synchronicity and how it is very easy for an experiencer to determine that the coincidental events are connected, rather than occurring by chance. These examples and historical connections are provided in Carl Jung's book Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle , in the appendix on synchronicity located at the end of the text. These connections are important because they provide situations in which the synchronicity theory can be easily understood. These instances will be supplemental to my explanation of synchronicity, as they make the complex and subjective theory much more understandable. The first instance in which Jung uses past experiences ...

Week Eleven: Argument and Counterargument

Materialistic science is far from sufficient for explaining a subjective phenomenon such as deja vu. A much more effective method of science is phenomenology, which accounts for the human consciousness and its subjectivity in analyzing phenomena with science.             My current argument calls for the deja vu phenomenon to be explained using subjective science, rather than a simple biological explanation. This subjective approach may closely parallel the approach through which the synchronicity phenomenon, a theory set forth by Carl Jung, is understood. My thesis statement argues this point and proposes a future application for the understanding of deja vu, saying: The applicability of Carl Jung’s ideas to the déjà vu phenomenon help to explain why déjà vu has more-frequent occurrences in the minds of those who are significantly aware that the phenomenon is prevalent in their daily life. Additionally, those with psychological disorders such as heigh...

Week Eleven: Case(s)

Robin Williams' recollection of her Joshua tree experience is a perfect case that can be used to explain the synchronicity frame seen throughout my research paper.       The frame used in order to explain the deja vu phenomenon is the synchronicity theory by Carl Jung. In order to explain this theory, I used a case from author Robin Williams, who wrote a book about graphic design. To emphasize the importance of graphic design, the author describes a time when once she became aware of something (like how fellow graphic designers are aware of graphic design), she saw it everywhere and noticed it in a higher volume of instances.  In her recollection, t he author describes a time when she becomes increasingly aware of trees she initially thought to be foreign and in no way a part of her daily life--but, once Williams became aware of their existence, she immediately felt surrounded by Joshua trees. After describing her past memory of receiving and studying her tree i...

Week Ten: Theoretical Frame

      By analyzing Carl Jung's synchronicity theory, possible explanations for the deja vu phenomenon may be derived in order to provide treatment for patients with severe anxiety and high deja vu persistence.      The theoretical frame I am using in order to investigate the deja vu phenomenon is Carl Jung's theory of synchronicity. This theory helps to make sense of my project due to its conscious roots--when a person experiences a synchronicity, it can only be classified as such if the experiencer consciously places significance on the event. The addition of significance to an event that occurs just as randomly as anything else throughout the day will push the experiencer into a positive feedback loop. This reaction, which I explained in my powerpoint presentation, will continually increase the amount of synchronicities noticed by the person experiencing them due to their conscious awareness of said event. As a result, the number of occurrences will ...

Week Ten: Literature Review #4

Continuing dream research and determining the connections between unconscious memory of dream material and deja vu may lead to the discovery of a potential treatment for persistent deja vu cases.      Another important piece written by Kurt Forrer can be found in a scientific journal titled "International Journal of Dream Research." This scientific report further investigates how dream content can manifest into conscious action. In this text, Forrer compares the seemingly-opposite dream theories from Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung--Freud's theory, which tries to deny dreams manifest into daily life, can actually show strong parallels to Jung's theory, which hypothesizes that dreams are the motivation for all human action. Throughout his text, Kurt Forrer continually emphasizes his conclusions that dreams are the unconscious motivators of all humans, and uses sexual content in dreams in order to support his claim that dream events will unfold in the near future for the dr...