
Showing posts from January, 2021

Week One: Research Paper Proposal

      There is surprising evidence of the existence of parallel universes. Can this be tied to feelings of deja vu? Is another version of yourself living in another universe?      My topic for my final research paper is going to be the phenomenon of Deja Vu and its possible connection to a Parallel Universe. For years, I’ve had excessive jumps in my own memory and felt as if I had either seen my current surroundings or actions in a dream, or I had been through a very similar experience before. There have been multiple instances in which I have felt as if I had been in the same exact place in time in the past, and these instances have always been a part of my daily life. Over time, my curiosity as to why I’ve felt this way has grown, and in high school I had a very well-rounded teacher who I felt confident enough to ask for an explanation. That teacher explained, in a very scientific manner, that the sensation I was experiencing was a result of my own b...